How I Lost 20 lb. (9 kg) Without Exercising or Dieting

Schannel Clariesa
10 min readDec 2, 2020

Do you feel like you need to exercise and diet to lose weight?

Do you think you need to restrict yourself to have the body you desire?

With the Law of Attraction, I manifested going from 160 lb. to 140 lb. without dieting or exercising.

I lost weight without forcing myself to do anything I didn’t want to do.

I know. It sounds too good to be true, even for me. Before I manifested my weight loss, I didn’t think it was possible. I thought that I had to force myself to stop eating foods and drinking beverages I loved. I thought I had to exercise every day to see results. I thought I had to be an expert manifestor to accomplish this.

I thought I had to restrict myself in order to lose weight.

This led me to dieting unhealthily and forcing myself to exercise, but of course, I gained even more weight because I was hungry, tired and unhappy.

Now, the Law of Attraction states that we attract what we focus on.

Focusing on restricting myself attracts more restriction.

I restricted my eating habits, felt unhappy, gained more weight, restricted myself again, felt unhappy again and gained weight again.

I was tired of being in this constant loop of restriction and negativity.

Then one day, a thought came into my mind.

“Schannel, what if you actually could lose weight without dieting or exercising? What if this was possible?”

I had nothing to lose. I decided to just try it out.

As my mindset changed, my body changed too.

Step-by-step, here’s how I manifested my weight loss and how you can do it too. I’m writing this in detail so it will be a long read but I want to be transparent and tell you everything that worked for me.

1. I stopped blaming myself.

Since the day my grandmother introduced me to the Law of Attraction, I truly believe that I am the creator of my reality.

With this knowledge, I knew that it was my bad eating habits that took me to where I was, I knew that I was responsible for my weight-gain, so I blamed myself for gaining weight. “Why did I eat 5–6 times a day? Why did I eat when I wasn’t even hungry? Why wasn’t I aware that I was over-eating? Why, Schannel, why?!!!”

However, since the thought came into my mind that maybe I could lose weight without exercising or dieting, I changed from constantly feeling bad about myself to thinking, “Okay Schannel, how can you change this? How can you lose 30 pounds with ease?”

Actionable step you can take today:

How do you feel about your body? Do you focus on only the negative parts of your body?

Stop feeling bad about yourself.

Accept the current state of your body.

Focus on the parts you actually like.

You don’t need to love yourself right away. Just try to like it.

Your body lets you breathe, see, hear, touch. Your body allows you to hug and kiss. Your body lets you eat your favorite foods and taste so much rich flavors.

Know that you can and deserve to be the version of you that you dream of.

Fully realize that you are capable of manifesting your desired weight if you take action and apply every step I detail in this post. I welcome questions if you need more guidance.

2. I got clear on what my goal weight was.

I decided that I wanted to return to 140 pounds, my weight before I spiralled to 160 pounds.

Actionable step you can take today:

Decide on a goal weight that is believable to you and feels good. This is because you cannot doubt the process. You need to believe that your desires are in the process of manifesting.

You can also start small to build your confidence. Let’s say you want to manifest losing 100 pounds. If you find it hard to believe that you can lose 100 pounds, start with manifesting losing 5 pounds. Once this is manifested, challenge yourself and aim to manifest losing 10 pounds this time. Keep on doing this until you reach your goal weight. Pick any number that makes you feel good.

I cannot stress this enough. You need to be absolutely sure that your desires are coming to you, and they will. The Universe has your back.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

3. I scripted in present tense.

Scripting is a method that works best for me to manifest my desires. It involves writing what you want in the present tense.

I wrote, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! I feel so great at 140 pounds!!! My favourite dress looks amazing on me again. I can eat whatever I want and maintain my weight. I am so grateful! I can also walk for longer periods of time without feeling as tired as before. I am so happy! Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Actionable step you can take today:

Grab a pen and paper, and journal as if your goals have already manifested in present tense. I like to start by writing how thankful I am, because gratitude helps me manifest faster.

Write what excites you because you will have to read what you wrote every day for a certain period of time.

When you read it, you need to read it with excitement and certainty. You need to believe what you wrote down has already come true, that you already are at your goal weight. I admit that the first few times reading what you scripted will feel strange, but keep on reading and feeling. You will start believing it more and more each time.

Now, this is different for everyone, but what worked for me was reading it twice a day (after waking up and before going to bed) for two weeks, and then letting go. I stopped reading it because I surrendered to the Universe. It is important to surrender and let Universe do the magic.

Another important thing that I will write about soon is patience. You need to be patient because this shows the Universe that you are not worried. Being worried means you are unsure if your desire will manifest. Let go, be patient, and know for sure that your desires are in the process of manifesting.

4. I started living as my “new” self

As my body got heavier, I stopped wearing T-shirts and dresses because they showed my arms and legs. I would only wear hoodies and baggy sweatpants to hide my body.

My actions screamed, “I hate myself,” and guess what the Universe brings into my life? More things to hate about myself.

This affected not only my weight but other things in my life such as my friendships and finances.

The moment I decided to stop blaming myself and actually accepted that this was where I was and that I could at least try to believe that I could change my life, I lost weight and changed how I looked for the better.

I basically started living as how my future self would.

How would the future Schannel dress? She would wear dresses as often as she could.

How would the future Schannel walk? She would walk with confidence.

How would the future Schannel feel? She would feel happy, light and calm.

After writing the above down, I embodied my new self right away as best as I could. On moments where I feel down, I read what I wrote and told myself, “Schannel at 140 pounds is confident! She wears dresses and she walks with confidence.” I would say this multiple times with a smile on my face until I shifted my mood.

Actionable step you can take today:

Ask yourself how your future self would act and feel. What actions do they take? How do you feel? Write these down and answer them without a doubt.

The formula you can use whenever you don’t feel positive is “[your name] at [goal weight] is [feelings].” For example, “Clara at 130 pounds is at peace,” and say it with feelings. What feelings do you associate with “at peace”? You can also ask yourself: “When do I feel peace?” Think back and then try to replicate what you feel. You will get better with practice, so please keep trying.

This goes along with your scripting. If you do this step, you will be aligned with the energy of your scripting, and it will make your scripting manifest fast.

Photo by Matt Jones on Unsplash

5. I focused on gratitude.

As I wrote above, you need to surrender, let go and be patient. What helped me to do this was to focus on being grateful for the things I already had every day while I wait for my desires to manifest (and after they manifested!).

I was thankful for my dog, bubble tea, Netflix, all the things I had manifested such as moving abroad for university (which happened with ease and a story for another time), music, oxygen… anything that helped me feel positive. Anything that excited me.

Don’t get me wrong. To this day I still have negative thoughts. I still feel anxiety at least once a day, but what matters is that I am compassionate to myself, tell myself it’s okay, and think thoughts that bring me joy.

Actionable step you can take today:

Have a list of things you are grateful for that you can refer to when you need it. List as many things as possible so when the time comes, there is definitely one thing on the list that can make you smile. Make sure to write your gratitude list on something you always have on you.

Even better, every day write down things you’re grateful for. Write it in detail. For example, I wrote down how perfect the weather was, how I felt peaceful walking home from work, how good my lunch was, how my friend complimented my coat, and many more.

The things you write do not need to be “big” things. Write anything that made you smile.

This practice makes you look for things to be grateful for, things that give you joy. As a result, the Universe will bring you more things to be happy about.

So, how did I end up losing 20 pounds?

First, let’s recap the actions I took. I stopped blaming myself, I got clear on what I wanted (i.e., desired goal weight), I scripted in present tense, I lived as if I was already at 140 pounds, and I focused on gratitude every day.

As a result, I became happier and more confident. I attracted things to be grateful for.

I thought about how I wanted to try using a coconut soap because I saw an ad on Instagram and the next day (yes, the very next day), I was randomly gifted a coconut soap.

I thought about using a french press for my coffee and 2 weeks later, my friend gave me a french press he no longer used.

I could go on and on about the little things I manifested because of my mindset change. I looked for things to be grateful for, and beautiful people and objects just manifested in my life unexpectedly.

One day, I received an email from italki (a 1-on-1 language-learning website) mentioning that I had CAD $100 worth of credits from 3 years ago that I could use to book lessons.

Now, I had been thinking about learning Japanese because I would love to travel and maybe even move to Japan in 2022. I immediately logged in, searched for a tutor, booked a lesson and became obsessed with the Japanese language.

Whenever I could, I would study, listen to podcasts, watch Japanese dramas and Youtube videos, research about Japanese culture, even plan my future move to Japan, and many more!

I truly loved doing this that it made me even happier.

Because of how much I loved doing what I did, I stopped eating because I was bored.

Yes, this is how I lost 20 pounds.

I gained weight because I ate 5–6 times a day. I was bored, unhappy and I had nothing to do. Having this obsession with the Japanese language and culture made me eat less without forcing myself to eat less.

I was no longer unhappy nor hungry.

I was energized, fulfilled and joyful.

Now, the moral of the story is because I was happy and grateful, I attracted more things to be happy and grateful about, including manifesting my goal weight. Without knowing how I was going to get there (keep in mind that I really didn’t want to diet or exercise), the Universe sent me something I loved and it indirectly made me lose weight.

As I wrote on step 2, the Universe has your back. It really does.

Trust the Universe, be open to its blessings, and keep an open mind.

Don’t worry. Don’t stress. Don’t question how you’re going to lose to weight. Maybe don’t get on the scale because this might trigger negative feelings and doubt.

Look around and be grateful for what you have, look for more things to be grateful for, and the Universe will bring you more things to be grateful for.

You are capable and powerful.

You can create changes in your life.

I am not “special.”

If I can do it, you can do it too.

I am so grateful that you made it this far! Thank you for being one of the reasons I smiled today.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you are willing to try this out. Feel free to comment and ask questions.

Also, this is my very first blog post! I would love to know what you think about my writing. I decided to write this before I was confident about my writing abilities because I want my readers to know how they can lose weight in an unconventional way. I would greatly appreciate some constructive feedback.

Follow me for more posts on manifesting and Law of Attraction.



Schannel Clariesa

I strive to help my readers manifest their desired reality.